Friday, November 30, 2012

December Fox

This month we have an Arctic Fox!

Photo: Arctic fox in the snow

**in courtesy of National Geographic

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are swift foxes endangered?

Are swift foxes endangered?
No, swift foxes are not endangered.

**in courtesy of
Swift foxes are still very common in the Great Plains, now where humans live too.
But still, that doesn't mean that you can litter and waste water, because many other animals are endangered.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November Fox: Swift Fox

In courtesy of Tumblr
File:Swift Fox area.png
In courtesy of Wikipedia
    Swift foxes are amazing foxes living in the Great Plains of North America. These foxes have big, oval shaped, intelligent eyes and a bushy tail. They are about the size of a domestic house cat. Weather in the Great Plains can be harsh, because in the summer it is sweltering, and the winter it is freezing. Unlike many other animals, the swift foxes do not hibernate in the winter. In spring, they give birth to little pups/kits. Pups/kits are very playful and have play fights. As they get older mothers teach their young ones to hunt. By the next spring, the foxes should be ready to have their own home and family. Many animals lead a life in the Great Plains, and it is always bustling with creatures. Other than foxes, some famous animals there are:
  • Bison/buffalo
  • deer and antelope
  • rabbits
and many more. Swift foxes eat small rodents like rabbits and squirrels, but sometimes eat berries, or plants. 

November Fox!

File:Swift Fox.jpg  

Sorry this is a little late, but this month for Fox of the Month we have the... drum roll please......
 Swift Fox!
Enjoy facts, pictures, and more!